What about It-dumps CCNA Wireless 200-355 real exam dumps?
If you are planning to purchase It-dumps CCNA Wireless certification 200-355 real exam dumps, you may want to know, what about It-dumps CCNA Wireless 200-355 real exam dumps? Good news for you, it has been proven that It-Dumps 200-355 exam dumps are valid. One of our customers have passed Cisco 200-355 WIFUND Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals exam. It-Dumps 200-355 exam guide has been updated on Jan. 6, 2018, it would be the latest in the whole market. In other word, if you choose It-dumps Cisco 200-355 WIFUND practice questions as your preparation materials, you just get the latest 200-355 brain dumps to ensure you pass Cisco certification 200-355 test.
If still not believe in It-dumps CCNA Wireless 200-355 real exam dumps, please check the below demo shared:
In the current RF environment, the noise floor is -95 dBm. A tablet needs an SNR of 25 dB to transmit at the required speed.
What must the RSSI cell edge be to meet the required SNR?
A. -120 dBm
B. -90 dBm
C. -70 dBm
D. -60 dBm
E. -50 dBm
Answer: C
An access point is currently transmitting at 4 mW. The customer needs to increase its signal strength by 6 dB to create a larger wireless cell.
What should the new transmit power be?
A. 8 mW
B. 10 mW
C. 12 mW
D. 16 mW
E. 24 mW
Answer: D
A wireless engineer is designing the wireless networking for a company with offices in two different locations.
Which two regulatory bodies should they check to find the maximum EIRP allowed? (Choose two.)
E. Wi-Fi Alliance
Answer: B, D
After installing a Cisco 5508 Wireless Controller using the default settings, how often will the RRM update occur?
A. 30 seconds
B. 60 seconds
C. 300 seconds
D. 600 seconds
E. 3600 seconds
F. 7200 seconds
Answer: D
Only four demo questions are not enough for Cisco 200-355 WIFUND Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals exam. It-dumps Cisco 200-355 test questions are ready for you. You can come to get the full version to pass Cisco certification 200-355 test. Any questions, please contact [email protected].
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